Today it Commonplace t her such sentiments as, "the leading practitioners of rhetoric today may be found on Madison Avenue." It is the pragmatic focus of advertising speech that makes rhetorical ideas so relevant. Advertising, considered a kind of communication, is distinguished by its focus on causing action. The goal in advertising is not so muich to communicate ideas, or to educate, or even to persuade in the sense of changing a viewpoint, the goal is to move a prospect closer to a purchase. The Co-editor of Go Figure! New Directions in Advertising Rhetoric have been involved in the development of the scholarly tradition within advertising rhetoric for many year. In this edited volume, they assemble the most current and authoritative new perspectives on this important topic. Each chapter author presents ideas that have not yet appeared in print, and that represent advances beyond what is already known about advertising rhetoric. Edward F. McQuarrie and Barbara J. Phillips, in the chapters that open and conclude the book, provide and integrative view of the current state of the art in advertising rhetoric. This book should be part of any scholarly, professional, or library collection, ISBN 9788184050653