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  Practical Guide to Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act & Rules, 6th Edition

Practical Guide To Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act & Rules, 6Th Edition

by Kumar H.L.

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 195.75
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  The economy of a country runs on its industries and the most crucial and valuable part of any industry is its workforce - its employees. There have been quite a number of legislations, big and small, to regulate and facilitate the working and development of industries and the people associated with them. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act is one such enactment. Aimed at keeping the industrial workmen comfortably employed with fair and reasonable terms of employment, the Act seeks to give the workforce a collective voice and makes the terms of their employment subject to the scrutiny of quasi-judicial authorities. The Act recognises the hard-won, precious rights of the workmen.

However, as with most of the legislative enactments, despite all care, this Act too had its share of pitfalls regarding the clarification and interpretation, and as usual, the authoritative clarifications came from the judicial interpretations. But interpretations were scattered around in various cases and so one had to go flipping through volumes to get to the required case law, which took a lot of time and effort.

This book attempts to save the wastage of time and effort by collecting and compiling the judicial interpretations on various issues in a consolidated form and arranging them under various heads for ready reference. The ratio of the judgments has been prominently given so that searching through lengthy decisions is no longer an unavoidable necessity. ISBN : 9789350351390

Pages : 202
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