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  Cellular Awakening: How Your Body Holds and Creates Light Original

Cellular Awakening: How Your Body Holds And Creates Light Original

by Barbara Wren

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  What if almost everything you`ve been told about health and the human body is wrong?
a¬ What if you had within you the ability to heal from any condition?

This fascinating book by Barbara Wren shatters many of the myths that currently exist regarding health and illness, and presents a vision of the human body and healing that is both practical and inspirational. In essence, no matter what ailment you`re dealing with, you have the potential to heal yourself; and if you already enjoy great health, you can illuminate your consciousness in ways beyond your imagining. Whatever your current situation is, you can begin to feel a true connection to who you really are, as well as understand your ability to create your own reality.

Your human potential is far greater than you can possibly imagine and is intrinsically linked to what is unfolding within you at a cellular level. Each and every one of the trillions of cells within your amazing body has the potential to hold and utilize light in the form of bio photons, subatomic particles of light. When a cell is illuminated, the DNA within that cell is also illuminated, giving you access to the universal wisdom that is held within its matrix. By matching your microcosm (the cell) with the macrocosm (the universal energies), you can begin to unlock your true nature and realize your potential for greatness. ISBN-9781401927554

Pages : 272
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