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  Parenting Teens in Modern Times

Parenting Teens In Modern Times

by Anju Musafir-Chazot

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 220.00
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  The last few decades have brought an avalanche of new challenges to both teenagers and parents of teenagers – the joint family has given way to nuclear family units; the Internet and mobiles have ushered in a new era of communication; media, television, gadgets... Teenagers today have to navigate a social and cultural milieu completely different from the one their parents did.
So how can you give your sometimes confused teenager a happier direction?
Anju Musafir-Chazot, who has more than 20 years’ experience of teaching students and counselling parents, believes that parenting styles must adapt to our changing world and changing teens. In Parenting Teens In Modern Times, she uses anecdotes and real-life cases to help parents understand how best to communicate and guide their teenager without alienating him or her. Firmly grounded in an Indian context, this book also deals with family structures, freedom, gender equity, notions of discipline and parental expectations in the Asian culture.

ISBN - 9789382618850

Pages : 274
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