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  Witness to Blunder: Kargil Story Unfolds

Witness To Blunder: Kargil Story Unfolds

by Col Ashfaq Hussain

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  "Witness to Blunder" is a vivid description of the misadventure, launched by a group of four generals at Kargil. It reveals how ill-planned this operation was and how poorly it was executed without consulting the Corps Commanders and other services chiefs. These generals not only failed to correctly assess the enemy capabilities but also failed to cater for the needs of the troops. They were neither provided sufficient food nor the ammunition and armament as required. Even the officers, serving at the higher headquarters were not clear about the aims and objectives of this operation. When the officers of a few units reported that they had reached Kargil- Dias Road, they were surprised. Had the common sense prevailed, Zojila Pass in the West should have been captured and Kargil-Dras Road should have been blocked and denied to the enemy. Had this been done, enemy could not easily move its troops and guns toward the occupied posts and Pakistan Army could avert the losses it suffered and due to which Pakistanis as a nation became a laughing stock in the world. Pakistan was isolated on the diplomatic front; it lost all moral support and ultimately had to withdraw its forces.

ISBN - 9788187330516

Pages : 256
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