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  GATE 2013: Electronics And Communication Engineering (With CD)

Gate 2013: Electronics And Communication Engineering (With Cd)

by Gkp

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 611.60
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  The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is conducted every year by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) to select students for the post graduate engineering courses (M.Tech).

GATE 2013: Electronics And Communication Engineering is a concise guide for the entire syllabus of the GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering. This book is for those who need a thorough last minute revision of the topics, and want practice questions to work out their knowledge.
The book begins with an introductory section that covers all the basic information about the GATE and the electronics and communication engineering paper. It provides the detailed syllabus for the subject, structure of the GATE exam and the GATE results, helpful tips for the exam, and a diagnostic test.

The syllabus coverage for electronics and communication engineering is divided into three parts in this book. The first part covers General Aptitude, the second part covers Engineering Mathematics, and the third part covers the Technical Sections.

The General Aptitude section covers verbal ability and numerical ability. The engineering mathematics section provides full coverage of engineering mathematics topics such as linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, complex variables, probability, numerical methods, and transform theory. The third part covers all the technical section topics for the Electronics and Communication Engineering paper like networks, electronic devices, analog circuits, digital circuits signals and systems, control systems, communications, and electromagnetics.

The chapters contain practice questions, ranging from easy to difficult. This book also includes the past three years GATE papers for electronics and communications engineering from 2010 to 2012, with solutions. There is also an additional practice paper.

ISBN - 9788183556040

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