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   	 Debian System: Concepts and Techniques, The (Book/DVD)

Debian System: Concepts And Techniques, The (Book/Dvd)

by Martin F. Krafft

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 552.50
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  Debian GNU/Linux is one of fastest-growing Linux distributions. It does not try to be easy to install, but instead focuses on straightforward administration with robust, flexible, and proven tools. The Debian system is an operating system designed to follow your agenda, rather than expecting you to keep up with it. The solid, straightforward, and reliable base system continues to convince more and more people to trade the bleeding edge for stability and maturity by moving to Debian GNU/Linux.

This book introduces the concepts and techniques you will need to successfully manage the Debian system. In addition to examples and common pitfalls, it explains just why the Debian developers prefer certain approaches to others. As you read about the motivations behind Debian solutions, you get an idea of the level of experience and sophistication that has flowed into the various system components, and you learn to embrace their elegance. This book`s goal is to be a definitive resource for Debian GNU/Linux, but also to be an enticing companion on your path towards advanced Debian administration.

While targeted at the well-versed Unix or Linux administrator as well as current users of Debian GNU/Linux, this book, along with a standard Linux reference, makes an excellent resource to bootstrap your Linux experience in Debian`s bottom-up philosophy ISBN 9783937514079

Pages : 608
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