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  CSAT Paper I Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change, 1/e

Csat Paper I Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, And Climate Change, 1/E

by Dr R.C Mishra And Dr Archana Mishra

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 307.50
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  In the present scenario, when the Civil Services Preliminary Examination has undergone change, the field of environment has gained prominence. This importance to the subject is manifested in the examinations held after the changes introduced by the UPSC. To this effect, this book on environmental ecology, biodiversity, and climate change will bode well for the students preparing for the country`s one of the most prestigious examination. Authors being doctorates in this field, have taken great care and shown their mastery over the subject while explaining the topics. Chapter-end questions will help the students to test their knowledge of a given topic right after learning it. At the end of the book, intelligent clubbing of questions related to this topic that appeared in 2011 and 2012`s CS Preliminary Examination has been done, paving the way for the student to prepare, and better one`s knowledge.

ISBN - 9788131773161

Pages : 552
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