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  Urology Revisited [Ed: 2011]

Urology Revisited [Ed: 2011]

by J.Samuel Frcs, Facs

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 295.00
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  The assessment portion of these multiple choice questions is not an examination in the usual sense but a personal evaluation of the knowledge of general urology. This program implies urological revision, as there is no pass or failure in this evaluation. The students are requested to write down the answer and then check with the critique provided by the authors.
How to use these MCQs
1. Each of the questions or incomplete answers is followed by four answers or completion. Select the best in each case and mark in the answer sheet provided at the end of the book.
2. The author will provide reasons (critique) and explain in a few words, why he chose the correct answer.
3. Try to answer the questions without the aid of a text book.

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