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  Investment Banking Applications

Investment Banking Applications

by Essvale Corporation Ltd.

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  "Investment Banking Applications" is a complete guide to the software used in the Investment Banking industry. The idea behind the publication is to introduce IT professionals to the wide spectrum of applications used in this sector of the financial services industry. The chapters in the book cover the following topics: overview of the Investment Banking technology marketplace; types of IT systems developed by the various application vendors; business divisions within Investment Banking that use the applications; underlying technology used for developing these applications; issue with each technology; the future of Investment Banking technology; and much more.

"Investment Banking Applications" is an invaluable reference handbook for IT professionals. It is also useful for both undergraduate and graduate students in Information Technology - related degree programmes. This is another publication in the "Bizle Professional Series". It is uniquely designed to be easy-on-the-eye and flexible. The design ensures that it is portable and can easily fit into bags and even pockets. The book is concise ensuring that readers don`t get distracted by superfluous information. ISBN:9789350235744

Pages : 152
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