This edited volume provides an overview of the latest advancements in adaptive training technology. Intelligent tutoring has been deployed for well-defined and relatively static educational domains such as algebra and geometry. However, this adaptive approach to computer-based training has yet to come into wider usage for domains that are less well defined or where student-system interactions are less structured, such as during scenario-based simulation and immersive serious games. In order to address how to expand the reach of adaptive training technology to these domains, leading experts in the field present their work in areas such as student modeling, pedagogical strategy, knowledge assessment, natural language processing and virtual human agents. Several approaches to designing adaptive technology are discussed for both traditional educational settings and professional training domains. This book will appeal to anyone concerned with educational and training technology at a professional level, including researchers, training systems developers and designers.
Table of Contents 1. Adaptive educational systems Valerie Shute and Diego Zapata-Rivera 2. Adaptive expertise as acceleration of future learning: a case study Kurt VanLehn and Min Chi 3. Adaptive hypermedia for education and training Peter Brusilovsky 4. Progress in assessment and tutoring of lifelong learning skills: an intelligent tutor agent that helps students become better help seekers Vincent Aleven, Ido Roll and Kenneth R. Koedinger 5. Student modeling and intelligent tutoring beyond coached problem solving Cristina Conati 6. Emotions during learning with autotutor Sidney D`Mello and Art Graesser 7. Lifelong learner modelling Judy Kay and Bob Kummerfeld 8. Training decisions from experience with decision making games Cleotilde Gonzalez 9. Ill-defined domains and adaptive tutoring technologies Collin Lynch, Kevin D. Ashley, Niels Pinkwart and Vincent Aleven 10. Individualized cultural and social skills learning with virtual humans H. Chad Lane and Bob Wray 11. Emergent assessment opportunities: a fou isbn 9780521769037
Pages : 384