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  ERI Culture

Eri Culture

by Ravindra Nath Singh Beera Saratchandra

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  The book entitled "Eri cutlure" provides a comprehensive information on Eri culture in India. The book has been written for student of sericulture, teachers, researchers but it can be also be used with equal benefit by entomologists, sericulture extension workers and educated farmers. Sincere attempts have been made to eleaborate basics of eri culture. Major topics incorporated are host plant of Eri silkword, pest and diseases of Eri silkworm and its food plants, bionomics of eri silkworm, grainage technology, silkworm rearing, post cocoon technologies and Market support to Eri silk sector. The Eri silkworm (Sami ricini) is a polyphagous and domesticiated multivolume species reared throughout the year on castor (Ricinus communis), Cassava (Manihot utilissima) and Kesseru (Heteropanax fragans) especially in North Eastern region of India. It is a hardly silkworm that can sustain wide variation in relative humidity and temperature that made it well suited for the North Eastern region. Eri silkworm spins the cocoon with open mouth and hence it can not be reeled. Eri silkworm is allowed to emerge live from cocoon and not killed during the process of taking out the fiber killed during the process of taking out the fiber and hence the Eri silk is AHIMSA silk. All these points have been discussed in detail. This book also discusses the taxonomic position of eri silkworm wihtout making total generic revision. Eri silkworm breeds have been identified on the basis of larval markings and colour. They have been identified as eco-races based on the place of collection and named after the locations from which they have been collected. The biology and life cycle of eri silk worm has been described in detail. The silkworm rearing technology and grainage technology have been discussed in detail. The principle and methods of pest control have been discussed with ecological bias. Efforts have been made to include cocoon processing which conveys to the weevers the latest knowledge fro devising commercial exploitation by making finest quality knitwear. The book ends with chapter on marketing and promotion of Eri Silk to provide required input support to eri silk sector in the areas of market promotion in domestic/overseas markets.

Table of Contents

Host Plant of Eri Silkworm
Pests of Eri Food Plants and its Control
Diseases of Eri Silkworm Host Plants
Eri Silkworm
Diseases and Parasites
Pest and Disease Control Strategy
Grainage Technology
Eri Silkworm Rearing Technology
Post Cocoon Technology
Organic Silk
Marketing and Promotion of Eri Silk ISBN 9788131315231

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