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  Brahmanism and Hinduism. Religious Thought and Life in India

Brahmanism And Hinduism. Religious Thought And Life In India

by Monier Monier Williams

  Price : Rs 850.00
  Your Price : Rs 722.50
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  Indeed, if I may be allowed the anachronism, the Hindus were Spinozaites more than 2,000 years before the existence of Spinoza; and Darwinians many centuries before Darwin; and Evolutionists many centuries before the doctrine of Evolution had been accepted by the scientists of our time, and before any word like Evolution existed in any language of the world.

. . . And yet it is a remarkable characteristic of Hinduism that it neither requires nor attempts to make converts. ¦ And far more remarkable than this---it will be seen from what I have written, ¦ is its receptivity and all-comprehensiveness. It claims to be the one religion of humanity, of human nature, of the entire world. It cares not to oppose the progress of any other system. For it has no difficulty in including all other religions within its all-embracing arms and ever-widening fold.

¦And, in real truth, Hinduism has something to offer which is suited to all minds. Its very strength lies in its infinite adaptability to the infinite diversity of human characters and human tendencies. It has its highly spiritual and abstract side suited to the metaphysical philosopher---its practical and concrete side suited to the man of affairs and the man of the world---its aesthetic and ceremonial side suited to the man of poetic feeling and imagination---its quiescent and contemplative side suited to the man of peace and lover of seclusion.

This, in brief, is the subject matter of this book, widely recognized as one of the best works of Monier Monier Williams on the religious thought and life in India which he based on the Vedas and other Sacred Books of the Hindus.ISBN: 8177558730

Pages : 610
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