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  Svetasvatara Upanisad

Svetasvatara Upanisad

by Tr. S. Varma

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 760.75
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  The Upanishads are an index to the intellectual peculiarities of the Indian character and literature. The thoughts and teachings they express are the ideas that prevail through out all the subsequent Indian literature, much of which will be fully comprehensible to those only who can carry with them a knowledge of these ideas to its perusal. The study of the Upanishads it the starting point for an intelligent study of Indian philosophy. As regards religion, the philosophy off the Upanishads is the ground work of the various forms of Hinduism, and the Upanishads have been justly characterized by Prof. Goldstucher as the basis of the enlightened faith of India.

The author has not merely translated the manor Upanishads, he has also explained and made a deep study off them, thus providing an interpretation of their philosophy which will prove immensely useful to students and scholars of East as well as West.

The present work which also contains translation of the eight major Upanishads (listed below) fulfils a real need for a reliable and most lucid rendering in a simple and forceful style.ISBN:

Pages : 136
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