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   Introduction to instrumental Analysis 2nd Edition

Introduction To Instrumental Analysis 2Nd Edition

by Robert D. Braun

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 1015.75
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  Introduction to Instrumental Analysis”, second edition, contains 28 chapters and approximately 1100 pages which deal with an introduction to most aspects of electricity and electronics including computers and computer interfacing to analytical instruments, and all of the major categories of the instrumental methods of chemical analysis. The text has been updated from the first edition to include recent advances in instrumentation. The writing has been revised in order to make it more understandable to students and other readers.

The instrumental methods of analysis that are described in the text include all of the major absorptive and luminescent spectral methods, the atomic and ionic spectral methods including atomic absorption, atomic and ionic emission, and laser-enhanced ionization, chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence, photoacoustic spectroscopy, radiative scattering, refractometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, multiple x-ray methods, radiochemical methods, mass spectrometry, all of the major electroanalytical methods, all of the major chromatographic methods, thermal analysis, and automated laboratory analysis including the use of laboratory robots and control loops.
The appendixes include the answers to all of the problems, a listing of ASCII characters, abbreviations that are used in the text, and mathematical constants that are used in the text.

1. Introduction to Chemical Instrumental Analysis, 2. Simple DC and AC Electric Circuits, 3. Electronic Circuits, 4. Operational Amplifiers, Logic Devices, and Computers, 5. Introduction to Spectral Methods of Analysis, 6. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, 7. Flame Emission and Atomic Emission, 8. Atomic Fluorescence, Resonant Ionization, and Laser-Enhanced Ionization, 9. Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy of Polyatomic Species, 10. Chemiluminescence and Electrochemiluminescence, 11. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence, 12. Infrared Spectrophotometry, 13. Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, 14. Radiative Scattering, 15. Refractometry 16. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 17. Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometry, 18. X-Ray Methods, 19. Electron Spectroscopy, 20. Radiochemical Methods, 21. Mass Spectrometry, 22. Potentiometry, 23. Nonpotentiometric Electroanalysis, 24. Introduction to Chromatography, 25. Liquid Chromatography, 26. Gas Chromatography, 27. Thermal Analysis, 28. Automated Analysis. ISBN 9789381075920

Pages : 1106
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