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  Thyristorised Power Controllers

Thyristorised Power Controllers

by Dubey, G. K. , Doradla, S. R. , Sinha, R. M. K. ,

  Price : Rs 399.00
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  `Thyristorised Power Controllers` provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject of `Power Electronics`. It deals with the principles of operation of various thyristorised power controllers systematically. It explains the important basic concepts for a beginner. For the advanced readers and practising engineers it covers many topics such as Static Reactive Power Compensation, Power Factor Control, Current Source Inverter, Time-Sharing Inverter, Multiphase Chopper, Harmonic Control in PWM Inverters etc.

In this book, power, analogue and digital electronic aspects of thyristorised controllers are discussed under one cover. Adequate coverage has been given to low power gating and control circuits. The operation of these circuits has been discussed, so as to enable the reader to design them from the standard SSI and MSI integrated circuits. As a further extension of this concept, a separate chapter describes the fundamentals of the microprocessor based control as applicable to the thyristorised power controllers. A laboratory tested scheme for the speed control of a dc motor using the Intel 8085 based microcomputer has been discussed in detail. This book is useful to the students, practising engineers and academia.isbn 9788122434224

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