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  Sri Subodhini-Commentry on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya-Text and English Translation Canto Three Chapters 27 to 33 Vol.25

Sri Subodhini-Commentry On Srimad Bhagvata Purana By Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya-Text And English Translation Canto Three Chapters 27 To 33 Vol.25

by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya

  Price : Rs 900.00
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  available commentaries of Sri Bhagavatam.
In this volume, 7 chapters of canto III, (Chapters 27 to 33) are dealt, with the original verse of Sri Bhagavatam, it`s English meaning, the text of Sri Subodhini in Sanskrit and it`s English meaning. Wherever necessary, the commentaries/Explanations given by Shri Gosainji (Shri Vittalnatha), Shri Vallabhji, Shri Laloo Bhatji and Shri Purushotamji, have also have been added.
The 7 Chapters, respectively, deal with (1) The "Divine Nature of "Purusha" (Primordial Lord) and the "Way" to realize Him (2) The Yoga of meditation on the divine form of our Lord and it`s Spiritual steps (Saadhan) (3) The description of the nature and form of "Kaala" (Time) by Lord Kapiladeva, with a view to enable his mother Devahooti to attain "Total detachment" (Vairaagyam) (() The sorrow of "Attached" householders, caused by the factor of "Time" (5) The "Entry of the Jeeva", into the stomach of his mother, and the song of "Praise", sung by this "Jeeva", on our Lord (6) The duties of an "Ideal" householder and (7) The "going away" of Lord Kapiladeva, and the "Liberation" (Mukthi) of mother Devahooti.
About Author :
Born in a village, founded by Adi Shankracharya, as the son of very devout parents, the late T.K. Viswanatha lyer and Ranganayaki Ammal, Ramanan was initiated into the study of the Vedas, the Upanishads, Puranas, the Gita, Sanskrit treatises and the Sacred Chantings from the age of 5.
His initiation into the path of Bhakti was blessed by his Acharya and Guru, Shri Ubhaya Vedanta Srirangam Sampath Kumara Swami, who attained Sri Vaikuntam recently, at the age of 80. He was a symbol of our Lord`s Love and compassion. He was honoured and loved by everyone, as a noble Saint of Sri Ramanuja Sampradaya.
Ramanan says "if ever there is a faint and feeble remembrance of our Lord, in my mind, it is entirely due to the Grace of my Guru and his prayers to our Lord Shri Laxmi Narayana".
Arising out of a chance meeting with one of the greatest saints of our times, Shri Shyam Manohar Goswamijee, a direct descendant of Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya, becoming the recipient of His love, Grace and Compassion, Ramanan was inspired to attempt writing this translation into English of the monumental commentary of Shri Subodhini, by Mahabrabhu Shri Vallabhacharya, which in the words of Srimad Andavan of Srirangam, a noble and most loving Saint of the Ramanuja Sampradaya "cannot be fully and truly translated, into any other language, as Shri Vallabhacharya had the highest love for Lord Krishna".
Hence, at best, this translation, in the words of Ramanan "is a humble attempt to becoming deserving to get the Grace of our Lord Shri Krishna, through the Blessings and Grace of my Gurudeva Shri Ubhaya Vedanta Srirangam Sampath Kumara Swamin, Shri Shyam Manohar Goswamijee, Srimad Andavan of Srirangam and all Devotees and Bhaktas of our Lord"
Contents :
Chapter 27 ISBN

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