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  Dictionary of Islam. Being a Cyclopaedia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, together with the Technical and Theological Terms, of the Muhammadan Religion

Dictionary Of Islam. Being A Cyclopaedia Of The Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, And Customs, Together With The Technical And Theological Terms, Of The Muhammadan Religion

by B K Roy Burman B Choudhuri K K Mishra

  Price : Rs 2750.00
  Your Price : Rs 2337.50
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  Envyvlopaerdia of Indian Tribes and Castes is the result of the need felt by the scholars, researchers, teachers and administrators for a reference works on Indian ethnology which can rise above the usual complexity and confusion in finding reliable and trustworth information in this vast and highly important area., The vast and detailed in formation contained in the pages of this pioneering work makes it an ideal and invaluable reference tool for the confirmation of sociological, anthopologicla, ethnologicla, historical and cultural facts about the tribes and castes spread all over the Indian subcontinent.
Careful research and compilation of an enormous amount of data has produced a collection of about 11000 tribes and castes, organized by an alphabetical order, in a comvient and otherwise unavailable format. The entries, varying in length and scope of coverage, do not omit any tribal ideity howsoever obscure or difficult in finding in formation on. the result, therefore, provides extraordinary opportunities to the readers for socio-anthropological or administrative research or for the purpose of reference.
The present work that attempt to put together a large number of identities symbolized by names. Its value lies in its identification of this large number of identities, providing a raw material that can be used in various ways as all such material can be. The biggest and most valuable contribution of this Encyclopaedia is in the painstaking process of documentation in which all the references and sources have been clearly indicated. This would greatly help both the scholar and the adminsitrator to trade the source, time and place in which a particular identity has been created.
About Author :
Prof. B K Roy Burman is a senior Fellow at the Centre for the study of Developing Societies, New delhi.
Prof. Buddhadeb Choudhary holds the ambedkar Chair at the Department of Anthropology, Calcutta University, Calcutta.
Prof. K K Mishra is Head, Department of Anthropology, Central University Hyderabad.ISBN: 8177557211

Pages : 750
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