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  russell: Why I Am Not A Christian

Russell: Why I Am Not A Christian

by Bertrand Russell

  Price : Rs 1630.98
  Your Price : Rs 1386.33
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  Book Summary of Russell: Why I Am Not A Christian
The most robust as well as the most witty Infidel since Voltaire and he cannot fail to sharpen men`s sense of what is entailed both in belief and unbelief .

The Spectator Why I am not a Christian is considered one of the most blasphemous philosophical documents ever written and at a time when we have faith schools and wars over religious. beliefs, its message today could not be more relevant. If religion provides comfortable responses to the questions that have always beset humankind why are we here, what Is the point of being alive, how ought we to behave- then Russell snatches that comfort away, leaving us instead with other, more troublesome alternatives: responsibility, autonomy self-awareness.

Ranked alongside Voltaire`s Candide, Tom Paine`s Age of Reason, Martin Scorsese`s The Last Temptation of Christ and Monty Python`s The Life of Brian, Bertrand Russell`s Why I am not a Christian has had some odd bedfellows over the years. White its tone is playful and frivolous, it poses tough questions over the nature of religion and belief.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), The leading British philosopher of the twentieth century, who made major contributions in the areas of logic and epistemology. Politically active and habitually outspoken, his ethical principles twice led to imprisonment. isbn

Pages : 223
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