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  Pygmalions and Paranoids in Management

Pygmalions And Paranoids In Management

by K Karunakaran

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 292.50
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  The senior managers in any organization can effectively play a positive role as leaders in developing and motivating the subordinates. In an organization where the majority of the senior level managers are cognizant of this reality and have the capability and the motivation for developing their subordinates, the ˜Pygmalion Effect` will facilitate translation of the dream into a reality. George Bernard Shaw`s play Pygmalion is based on the theme that like the sculptor Pygmalion in Greek mythology, one person, by his effort and will, can transform another person. In the world of management too, the supervisors can play the ˜Pygmalion role` and develop their subordinates and motivate them to put in better performance on the job. A manager`s expectations are the key to a subordinate`s performance and development.

This book highlights the importance of the ˜Pygmalion role` in the corporate setting. The chapters cover a wide range of organizational situations and focus on the leadership styles and motivational methods of successful executives which are worthy of emulation. They provide perspectives on the key issues and problems facing managers in the corporate setting, and present concepts and techniques which are appropriate for use in getting the best out of subordinates. By assiduously practising the techniques of successful leaders enunciated herein, managers can ensure that they undergo a metamorphosis into Pygmalions and lead their subordinates comfortably towards excellence.

ISBN 9788130904085

Pages : 190
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