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  Indian Art Treasures Suresh Neotia Collection

Indian Art Treasures Suresh Neotia Collection

by R.C. Sharma,

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Jnana-Pravaha, the Centre for Cultural Studies & Research at Varanasi represents the vision of its founders, Bimla Poddar and Suresh Neotia. It aims to serve and promote the cause of culture by rediscovering and highlighting its universal elements -- those that transcend all barriers.

Jnana-Pravaha presents varied and scintillating forms of the visual and performing arts, and endeavours to create an awareness about the country`s cultural ethos and ethnic conventions. It is devoted to reviving and preserving old and obscure scripts which, while of immense significance for the reconstruction of the cultural history of the subcontinent, have been neglected to the point of being extinct. Through its educational and research programmes and publications, Jnana-Pravaha is engaged in the dissemination of our tangible and intangible heritage.

All this is being accomplished with quiet zeal in a serene yet pleasing ambience. Situated on the left bank of the holy stream of Uttaravahini Ganga, Jnana-Pravaha faces the historical fort of Ramnagar on the other side of the river.

While a well-equipped reference library on Indian culture, art, history, philosophy, literature and allied subjects caters to the needs of students and researchers, iterature and allied subjects caters to the needs of students and researchers, Kalamandapa (the Museum) presents a treasure trove of art dating from the pre-Mauryan age to the 20th century. The survey and documentation of local sites and antiquarian remains is emerging as an added attraction to art historians.

Seminars, symposia and workshops on different themes form regular features of the Centre`s activities. In-depth studies of specific subjects are a hallmark of Jnana-Pravaha. Similarly, conducting special courses in early scripts like Brahmi and Kharoshti affirms the conviction of the Centre of the need to revitalise archaeological source material. An independent research project for deciphering and studying epigraphs and records has been launched with the appointment of Senior and Associate Fellows. Staging of Sanskrit plays is another Jnana-Pravaha annual event.

The Vedas are the fountain of knowledge and are accepted as the earliest books of the world. To preserve their oriental style of learning and recitation, Jnana-Pravaha has established a city unit known as the Samskara & Anushthana Kendra. The emphasis is on the conventional and correct pronunciation of Vedic hymns. Young students undergo rigorous training in the Gurukula style under the close supervision of the Acaryas.

ISBN : 9788190277631

Pages : 263
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