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  Sanskrit Literature Rendered into Urdu

Sanskrit Literature Rendered Into Urdu

by Shaikh Abdul Ghani,

  Price : Rs 160.00
  Your Price : Rs 128.00
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  Sanskrit literature is a vast tradition, its literary activity being one of the oldest in the world. In the past, many Sanskrit works were translated into Persian and other Indian languages so as to reveal the glory of the Sanskrit language and literary output to all. This book is an attempt to present Urdu translations of Sanskrit literature. The translations include the Gayatri mantra and a few random lines/verses from the Arthashastra, the epic literature especially the Bhagavad Gita, Kalidasa`s plays, Bahrtrhari`s Shatakas, the Yoga Darshana of Patanjali and the Kapila Sutras on Sankhya philosophy, in a simple manner and with clarity. It includes a detailed list of various works of Sanskrit translations into Urdu covering the Vedic literature, the Puranas, Sanskrit classical literature like the epics, drama, lyrics, poetry, prose, romance, popular tales and scientific literature on grammar, phonetics, medicine, the law, astronomy and mathematics.

ISBN : 9788124604885

Pages : 110
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