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  Managing Coaching at Work

Managing Coaching At Work

by Jackie Keddy, Clive Johnson

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  Reviews: "Crammed with practical insights, tools and techniques, and grounded in theory and evidence, this vital book helps practitioners reflect and act on every aspect of coaching."
- Dr John McGurk, Advisor: Learning and Talent Development, HR: Practice Development Team, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

"This is a must-have book if you want to gain a greater understanding of coaching."
- Hyacinth Daly, Coaching and Mentoring, Leadership and Learning Directorate in Human Resources at London Metropolitan Police Service

Description: Based on direct experience and a realistic understanding of the scope of influence that many coaching champions have within their organizations, Managing Coaching at Work provides practical guidance on all aspects of making workplace coaching work. It serves as an essential reference for any manager or HR professional looking to bring coaching into their organization and for those seeking to move forward, re-energize or maximize the true potential of their existing coaching investment.

This comprehensive guide covers all of the key issues many organizations face, including:

¢ embedding coaching on a shoestring and surviving during times when budgets are under pressure

¢ developing, sourcing and maximizing the use of coaching to meet your organization`s business needs

¢ creating a compelling business case for sustaining coaching

¢ making coaching a part of managers` everyday skill-sets

¢ evaluating the results and benefits of coaching

Putting the role of coaching firmly in context with business need and supported by comprehensive case studies from organizations of all sizes from around the world, this book shows the vital role that coaching can play in driving forward strategic objectives as well as illustrating the powerful benefits of using coaching at the grass-roots. Drawing on recent research from fields as diverse as neuroscience and explorations of organizational culture, Managing Coaching at Work is packed with valuable tips, techniques and insights that will inspire very experienced coaching practitioners, as well as being an essential guide for those who are approaching coaching for the first time.

Contents: PART ONE: Contexts ¢ What is coaching? ¢ Introduction ¢ Defining coaching ¢ What coaching isn`t ¢ Role of the coach ¢ The manager as coach ¢ Coaching as a management style ¢ Coaching`s role amongst the ˜helping skills` ¢ ˜Coaching culture` ¢ What this all means for implementing workplace coaching ¢ Summary ¢ Why coaching? ¢ What coaching aims to achieve for individuals and their ¢ organizations ¢ Why coaching works ¢ Coaching vs other transformative interventions Is coaching always appropriate? ¢ Why choose coaching? ¢ Summary ¢ An agenda for coaching ¢ What we mean by an ˜agenda` for coaching? ¢ What business applications might be suitable for a coaching agenda? ¢ Defining an agenda that fits with an organization`s needs, priorities and strategy ¢ What if no agenda is set? ¢ Is a coaching agenda always necessary? ¢ Summary ¢ Options and consequences ¢ Introduction ¢ Where should coaching fit in? ¢ What type of coaching is needed? ¢ How should implementation be approached? Further influences affecting the choice of implementation approach ¢ Summary ¢ PART TWO: Implementation ¢ Preparation ¢ First steps ¢ Needs analysis - and why many managers prefer not to coach ¢ Principles for implementation and programme design ¢ Planning for implementation ¢ Sourcing external support ¢ Coach recruitment ¢ Integration with other programmes and change initiatives Stakeholder engagement ¢ Accreditation ¢ Summary ¢ Action ¢ Introduction ¢ Developing coaches and coaching skills for managers Process definition ¢ IT systems and other supporting infrastructure for coaching Managing coaching ¢ Practical tips and insights to assist and pitfalls to avoid in implementation ¢ Summary ¢ Sustaining and developing coaching ¢ Introduction - what next? ¢ Why coaching often goes off the rails ¢ Continuing sponsor engagement and active senior manager support ¢ Continued promotion of support services for new coaches/managers ¢ Maintaining early-warning alerts for possible backsliding, and intervening when necessary ¢ Supporting the continued development of coach/manager coach skill ¢ Skill building and further coaching skill applications for coaches and managers - what next? ¢ Providing training and appropriate support for newcomers ¢ Pro actively seeking opportunities for individuals to practise coaching ¢ Continuing to promote the benefits of coaching and publicizing success stories ¢ Ensuring that systems, processes and other infrastructure needed to support coaching practice work and are developed in line with changing needs ¢ Sustaining coaching for organizational development ¢ Beyond company walls ¢ Summary ¢ PART THREE: Outcomes ¢ Auditing and evaluating coaching ¢ Introduction ¢ Audit or evaluation? ¢ What to evaluate (or audit)? ¢ Why evaluating coaching is hard ¢ Some approaches to evaluation ¢ Common limitations of evaluation approaches ¢ The balance of probabilities method ¢ Gathering evidence (investigative inquiry) ¢ Summary ¢ Making and continuing the case for coaching ¢ Introduction ¢ Common fallacies in interpreting the outputs of evaluation ¢ How the balance of probabilities approach aims to address some common limitations of evaluation ¢ What constitutes valid evidence? ¢ Inference and logic ¢ The five steps of the balance of probabilities method ¢ A word about using anecdotes as input in evaluation ¢ Assessing counter-arguments ¢ Comparison with Kirkpatrick`s ˜four levels` model ¢ Making evaluation a routine process ¢ Promoting coaching ¢ Summary ¢ Learnings, change and new directions ¢ Introduction ¢ Learnings and responses ¢ Audit ¢ Developing coaching ¢ Supervison ¢ Sustaining interest and commitment ¢ Planning for future need ¢ Changing aspiration and transition ¢ Summary ¢ Appendices ¢ A: Templates and micro-tools ¢ B: Checklists for implementing, managing and developing a coaching service ¢ C1: Coaching associations ¢ C2: Coaching journals and periodicals ¢ References ¢ Index.

About the Authors: Jackie Keddy: Following on from a diverse and successful career in the London Metropolitan Police Service, Jackie now acts as a trainer, coach and mediator. She was instrumental in leading the first public sector non-profit organizations coaching programme to achieve an internationally recognized quality award.

Clive Johnson: Following a lengthy career in management consultancy, Clive now practises as a coach, consultant and trainer. A regular conference speaker, Clive is also a prolific writer and author of The People-assist Management Toolkit. Jackie and Clive are also the authors of Managing Conflict at Work (also published by Kogan Page). Visit the companion website: www.managingcoachingatwork.com

Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749461362

Pages : 272
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