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  How to Have a Beautiful Mind

How To Have A Beautiful Mind

by Edward De Bono

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 399.20
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  People spend a fortune on their bodies, their faces, their hair, their clothes. Cosmetics, plastic surgery, diets, gym membership - everyone`s trying to be more attractive. But there`s an easier way to become a beautiful person. It doesn`t have to be physical. No matter how you look, if you have a mind that`s fascinating, creative, exciting - if you`re a good thinker - you can be beautiful.nnAnd being attractive doesn`t necessarily come from being intelligent or highly-educated. It isn`t about having a great personality. It`s about using your imagination and expanding your creativity. And it`s when talking with people that we make the greatest impact. A person may be physically beautiful, but when speaking to others a dull or ugly or uncreative mind will definitely turn them off.nnIn clear, practical language, de Bono shows how by applying lateral and parallel thinking skills to your conversation you can improve your mind. By learning how to listen, make a point, and manoeuvre a discussion, you can become creative and more appealing - more beautiful.

About the Author
Dr Edward de Bono is widely regarded as the leading world authority in the direct teaching of creative thinking. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and has had appointments at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and London. He has written 63 books with translations into 37 languages. Dr de Bono is the originator of the term `Lateral Thinking` and now has a network of 923 trainers in 28 countries around the world teaching his methods in business. His intruction in thinking has been sought by leading corporations such as British Telecom, IBM, Motorola and Prudential.

Table of Contents
Highly recommended,One of the world`s greatest thinkers has found a miracle cure for people in search of lasting health and beauty. And it costs no more than the price of a paperback.,Edward doesn`t just think. He is a one-man global industry, whose work is gospel in government, universities, schools, corporates and even prisons all over the world,The master of creative thinking,Edward de Bono is a cult figure in developing tricks to sharpen the mind,Edward de Bono is a toolmaker, his tools have been fashioned for thinking, to make more of the mind,de Bono`s work may be the best thing going in the world today,The guru of clear thinking,Mercifully free of the trite techniques offered by many publications promising to save us from social awkwardness, the book succeeds in doing just that ISBN 9780091894603

Pages : 240
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