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  	Evidence-Based Reward Management

Evidence-Based Reward Management

by Michael Armstrong, Duncan Brown & Peter Reilly

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  Reviews: "This book is what pragmatic, business-focused HR directors have been waiting for, for years; how to justify the huge spend on rewards with hard data. Another milestone on the journey of HR from overhead to true business partner."

- Carolyn Gray, Group HR Director, Guardian Media Group

"Successful reward policies make a material difference to the performance of an organization. Challenging HR to consistently adopt the disciplines routinely used for other investment decisions is the right approach."

- Imelda Walsh, HR Director, J Sainsbury plc

"This book will move reward management from ˜I think` to ˜I know` and make the management of reward much more effective. For too long reward professionals have used the excuse that measurement of the effect of reward programmes is just too difficult. This book by Michael Armstrong, Duncan Brown and Peter Reilly shows that it can and must be done to improve effectiveness. This book confirms that few organizations measure the intent or effectiveness of their reward programmes, but more importantly it outlines why they should do it and how to do it."

- Clive Wright, Chair of the CIPD Reward Forum and Managing Director, Hyperion HR

"The appropriate measurement and application of reward practices within an organization is a critical element in maximizing employee engagement. A fair and balanced approach to remuneration inspires employees to build sustainable business performance. Duncan Brown`s innovative approach and advice on reward management is an essential read for any HR professional."

- Tim Miller, Director, Property, Research & Assurances and Chairman, Standard Chartered Korea

Description: Evidence-based Reward Management is the management of reward systems based on fact rather than opinion, on understanding rather than assumptions, on grounded theory rather than dogma. It makes use of the extensive research conducted over the last 50 years into how reward systems work in organizations and what can be done to improve them.

It provides HR professionals with the means of measuring exactly how the reward and pay of employees contribute directly to the performance of organizations. The authors present a compelling argument for its use and practical and informed guidance on its implementation.

The book presents an analysis of the current failure of organizations to assess the effectiveness of pay and reward practices. It considers the reasons for this and outlines the damaging consequences of it. By examining recent developments in human capital information and measurement it looks at how HR can construct effective reward for improved performance, both for the individual and organization.

The authors present the tools and techniques that can be applied to practise evidence a­based reward management, including a model which sets strategic goals, reviews current policies, looks at how to pilot and make changes and improvements and explains how to monitor and adapt on an ongoing basis.

Fully illustrated with case studies including McDonald`s, Standard Chartered Bank, and KPMG, Evidence-based Reward Management will help HR professionals to assess and communicate the effectiveness of reward in a meaningful and informed way.

Contents: Introduction ¢ The concept of evidence-based management ¢ Introduction ¢ Evidence-based management defined ¢ Approaches to evidence-based management ¢ Evidence-based management and research ¢ Evidence-based management and benchmarking ¢ The myth of best practice ¢ Best fit ¢ Evaluation of HR management practices ¢ Evaluation through measurement ¢ Quantitative evaluation ¢ Qualitative evaluation ¢ Chapter summary ¢ The concept of evidence-based reward management ¢ Introduction ¢ The meaning of evidence-based reward management ¢ The meaning of integrated reward management ¢ The ethical dimension ¢ The role of reward strategy ¢ High-performance working ¢ Engagement ¢ Attraction and retention of talent ¢ Evidence-based reward in practice ¢ Chapter summary ¢ The reality of evidence-based reward management ¢ Introduction ¢ What is or is not happening? ¢ Why there is little interest in evidence-based reward management ¢ Why is evidence-based reward management important? ¢ What evidence-based reward management aims to achieve ¢ Chapter summary ¢ Case study: Kent County Council: effectiveness in building a great place to work ¢ The impact of evidence-based HR and reward management ¢ Introduction ¢ Measuring the impact of human resource management ¢ Measuring the impact of reward ¢ Chapter summary ¢ Case study: McDonald`s restaurants: aligning reward strategy to business objectives through employee engagement ¢ The process of evidence-based reward management ¢ Introduction ¢ The context: reward practices under scrutiny ¢ The challenges: the questions to answer Assessing reward effectiveness ¢ The components of evidence-based reward management ¢ Defining reward goals and success criteria ¢ Setting success criteria and moving on to assess them ¢ Chapter summary ¢ Case study: an analytical but values-driven approach to managing reward and incentive arrangements at Standard Chartered Bank ¢ Reviewing reward Introduction ¢ The process of reward review ¢ Approaches to reward review ¢ Components of a reward review ¢ Internal research ¢ External research ¢ Chapter summary ¢ Case study: DSG International plc: reward effectiveness in driving a business turnaround ¢ Measuring and evaluating reward ¢ Introduction ¢ Measuring reward ¢ Evaluating reward ¢ Chapter summary ¢ Case study: evidence-based recruitment and reward at the NSPCC ¢ Developing and implementing reward ¢ Introduction ¢ Analysing findings and agreeing improvements ¢ Developing new and improved rewards ¢ Developing with implementation in mind ¢ Implementing, operating and reviewing more effective rewards ¢ Chapter summary ¢ Case study: KPMG: delivering effectiveness through performance-related and total rewards ¢ Conclusions on evidence-based reward management ¢ Introduction ¢ The six components of evidence-based reward ¢ Criteria for assessing reward practices ¢ Views of practitioners ¢ A final word

About the Authors: Michael Armstrong is Joint Managing Partner of e-reward and former Chief Examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). His books have sold over 5oo,ooo copies worldwide and are translated into over 20 languages. Among them are Armstrong`s Handbook of Human Resource Management, Armstrong`s Handbook of Reward Management Practice, Armstrong`s Handbook of Performance Management, Armstrong`s Handbook of Management and Leadership and, with Duncan Brown, Strategic Reward (all published by Kogan Page).

Duncan Brown is Director of Reward Services at the Institute for Employment Studies. He has more than 20 years experience in reward consulting and research with firms including PricewaterhouseCoopers and Towers Perrin. He also spent five years as Assistant Director General at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Duncan is a well-known author and speaker on reward issues and advises and sits on a number of remuneration committees in public, private and voluntary sectors. Duncan has an MA from Cambridge University, an MBA from the London Business School and is a Chartered Fellow of the CI PD.

Peter Reilly is the Director of Research and Consultancy at the Institute for Employment Studies. He joined IES in 1995 after a 16 year career with Shell where he held both generalist and specialist HR posts in the United Kingdom and abroad. At IES he undertakes a range of reward projects and is a regular speaker and commentator on this subject.

Target Audience: HR professionals, students of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749456566

Pages : 262
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