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Electromagnetic Waves And Transmission Lines

by Rao, R. S.

  Price : Rs 425.00
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  This systematic and well-written book provides an in-depth analysis of all the major areas of the subject such as fields, waves and lines. It is written in a simple and an easy-to-understand language.

Beginning with a discussion on vector calculus, the book elaborately explains electrostatics, including the concepts of electric force and field intensity, electric displacement, Gauss law, conductors, dielectrics and capacitors. This is followed by a detailed study of magnetostatics, covering Biot“Savart law, Lorentz`s force law and Ampere`s circuital law. Then, it discusses Maxwell`s equations that describe the time-varying fields and the wave theory which is the basis of radiation and wireless communications. Finally, the book gives a fair treatment to transmission line theory, which is a foundation course in mechanical engineering.

The text is well-supported by a large number of solved and unsolved problems to enhance the analytical skill of the students. The problems are framed to test the conceptual understanding of the students. It also includes plenty of objective type questions with answers.

It is intended as a textbook for the undergraduate students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering for their course on Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines.ISBN: 9788120345157

Pages : 592
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