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  Society in Ancient India Evolution Since the Vedic Times Based on Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit and Other Classical Sources

Society In Ancient India Evolution Since The Vedic Times Based On Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit And Other Classical Sources

by Sures Chandra Banerji

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  It is a fascinating, meticulously documented study unveiling, for the first time, the ancient Indian society in all its variegated evolutionary expressions across about two-and-a-half millennia: since the Vedic times (c. 1500 BC) -- with a beautifully well-knit account of its religions and cultic practices; economic paradigms; polity and statecraft; educational set-up; customes, manners, etiquettes; food habits, drinks, dress styles; sports, pastimes, modes of recreations; sex life and sexual morality; casteist hierarchies; attitude towards women; and its crimes, punishments and legal codes.

Epitomising a lifetime of Dr. Banerji`s research on ancient India, the book vividly captures all different articulations of sociological import from a whole body of traditional writings: both sacred and secular. Again, it turns out to be the first ever study to singly explore the sociological orientations of the Vedic Samhitas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Kalpasutras, Vyakaranas, Puranas, Smritishastras, Tantric texts, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Kautilya`s Arthashastra, and many other Sanskrit classics -- besides Buddhist and Jaina works in Pali, Prakrit and Apabhramsha languages.

With highly informative appendices, extensive bibliographic references and a glossary of technical/unfamiliar words, the book holds out enduring appeal to both scholars and discerning readers.

ISBN : 9788124600795

Pages : 423
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