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  Kama Kahani : Ghazal in the Moonlight

Kama Kahani : Ghazal In The Moonlight

by Alessandra Shahbaz

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 120.00
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  Was the first man you fell for a brooding desert prince? Or better still, a cruelly handsome feudal lord? Are you a spirited beauty, your fire contained”but only just”by the clinging brocade of your lehenga`s choli? A delicious Kama Kahani is sure to strike your fancy. Dazzling Shameena runs wild in the nawab`s palace in Lucknow until her weak-willed father promises her to Nicholas Winthrop, the richest Englishman in the subcontinent. Furious about the alliance, she rebels and flees her father`s home, disguised as a courtesan. But when Asef, the thrillingly mysterious bodyguard of Nicholas, is dispatched to bring her back, Shameena finds herself caught in a dangerous game, between East and West, fire and ice¦

About the Author
Alessandra Shahbaz loves romance novels for empowering women to acknowledge their desires and pursue their fantasies. Her ideal day involves sitting on her balcony with fresh fruits, red roses, and her pet lamb Shy Shy, reading and writing from dawn until dusk. When she is not reading and writing, Alessandra enjoys baking, practicing jujutsu, building tree houses, and foraging for edible plants. She dreams of some day living in a fig orchard with her loved ones and continuing to write tales filled with passion... tales that promise the fulfillment of dreams. ISBN 9788184000252

Pages : 240
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