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  Project Governance

Project Governance

by Ross Garland

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  Description: Project Governance is the decision making framework that guides the development of a project and within which the critical project decisions are made. Effective project governance is recognized as a key feature of successful projects, while ineffective decision making leads to project delay and failure.

Project Governance is a practical and comprehensive new title that guides readers through the logical steps required for the establishment of a project governance framework for an individual project or across an entire organization.

This accessible handbook begins by exploring the problems typical of ineffective project governance, and goes on to develop a set of principles designed to overcome these problems. The book then demonstrates how to build a framework based on these principles.

Project Governance shows readers how to populate this framework effectively, provides the accountabilities and responsibilities of the key roles, and illustrates how to integrate the project governance framework into the organization.

Including a best-practice example of project governance policy, which can be modified to meet the needs of most organizations, this title makes for essential reading for both practitioners and students.


Introduction ¢ Causes and symptoms of ineffective project governance ¢ Confusion regarding the objectives of project governance ¢ Risk aversion ¢ Issues relating to organizational structure ¢ Stakeholder and ownership issues ¢ Solution criteria ¢ Case study 1: Ineffective project governance ¢ The principles of effective project governance ¢ Accountability ¢ The principles of effective project governance ¢ Building the project governance model ¢ Key stakeholders and the project board ¢ Investment decision group ¢ Addressing the needs of other stakeholders ¢ Mapping the principles to the solution criteria ¢ Populating the project board ¢ Project owner ¢ Senior user ¢ Senior supplier ¢ Project director ¢ Project manager ¢ Case study 2: Introduction of full retail contestability into the English and Welsh electricity market ¢ Scalability ¢ Assessing project risk ¢ The limits of scalability ¢ Main scalability options ¢ Implementing the project governance framework ¢ Implementing change ¢ The challenges of implementing the project governance framework ¢ Operationalizing the project governance framework ¢ Case study 3: The challenges of implementation at theDepartment of Main Roads, Queensland Government ¢ The governance relationship between programmes and projects ¢ The programme ¢ The programme owner ¢ Decision making at the programme level ¢ The role of the programme office ¢ The relationship between programme and project governance ¢ Towards an integrated project delivery framework ¢ The phases of the project lifecycle ¢ Integration ¢ Appendix I: Example project governance policy ¢ Overview ¢ Applicability ¢ Definitions . ¢ Project governance framework for high-risk projects ¢ Project governance framework for medium- and low-risk projects ¢ Appendix II: Terms of reference and modus operandi of project governance bodies ¢ Project board ¢ Investment decision group ¢ Strategic advisors` group ¢ Stakeholder working group ¢ Appendix III: Role descriptions ¢ Project owner ¢ Project director ¢ Senior user ¢ Senior supplier ¢ Project manager. ¢ References ¢ Index

About the Author: Ross Garland advises organizations on project and programme establishment and development. As well as structuring the governance of large projects and programmes of work, he has established enterprise-wide project governance frameworks for local and state government agencies. He works with senior management to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations` delivery of projects through the establishment of high-quality, consistent management structures and processes. Ross has lived and worked in the United Kingdom and United States and currently resides in Australia. To find out more, go to www.rossgarland.com

Target Audience: Professionals in the area of Project Management, students of management
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749457174

Pages : 220
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