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  Scripting Lives: Narratives of a€˜Privileged Women in Kerala

Scripting Lives: Narratives Of A€˜Privileged Women In Kerala

by Sharmila Shreekumar (Ed.)

  Price : Rs 1550.00
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  How does one examine the lives women script in the intimacy of diaries, letters and other personal narratives and how can one relate these to the social worlds in which they are produced? Centring its investigation on contemporary Kerala, it examines a range of diverse and seemingly disconnected discourses around the Kerala model, tourism, AIDS and sexual violence and argues that present-day Kerala maps two opposing worlds. It imagines itself as a perfected utopia and, simultaneously, also as a dystopiaa society that is on the edge of collapse. The book attempts to explore these divergent self-descriptions of Kerala. Concurrently it also analyses a range of personal narratives to trace how dominant women configure their selves. It deploys the term dominant women to signal women of relative privilege, whose experience speaks simultaneously of devaluation and dominance. Their lives also signal the asymmetries, the instabilities and the inequalities within the category woman. These women are, in many ways, the subject of the development narratives of the state. The book reveals how discourses apparently removed from women`s everyday shape their personal experiences and, in turn, how women`s self-formations overwrite, extend and rework these larger discourses. Sreekumar`s writing is compelling and textured. Her research, based on a wide range of women`s narratives, makes this a riveting journey into the makings of modern-day Kerala.

ISBN :9788125036807

Pages : 324
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