If you are studying in a college, working for a company or traveling to a country that has blocked access to everything cool & fun on the Internet (like Face book, YouTube, Chat and others) and made your life miserably boring for you then this book is sure to come to your rescue! Written in an easy to understand manner that just about everybody can understand, this book will teach you simple things you can do to unblock access to everything on the Internet including:
Social Networking Sites (Face book, Twitter etc) Video Streaming Sites (YouTube, Metacafe etc) Cricket Scores. Chat Software Stock Trading Websites. Career Websites. USB Ports. Download & Speed Limits. Torrents And just about everything else!
Who should read this book?
College Students. Office Goers. Travelers to countries where websites are blocked (China, UAE, Saudi Arabia and others). Anybody else who wants to unblock stuff on the Internet.
ISBN - 9789325956612
Pages : 204