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  A History of Political Theories (Assam)

A History Of Political Theories (Assam)

by Rao,Venkata V.

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Contents: CONTENTS: Part I: Ancient 1. Problems of Political Philosophy | 2. Pythagoreanism | 3. Sophism | 4. Socratism | 5. The Theory of Justice | 6. The theory of Education | 7. The Theory of Communism | 8. Government “ the Ideal State | 9. Revolutions | 10. The Theory of Law | 11. Slavery | 12. Citizenship | 13. Democracy | 14. Classification of Constitutions | 15. Aristotle and Plato “ A comparative Study | 16. Later Greek Philosophers | Part II: Medieval 17. Roman Political Theory | 18. The Theory of Law | 19. Feudalism | 20. The Church and the State | 21. The Church and the State (Contd.) | 22. Conciliarism | 23. Contribution by the Middle Ages | Part III: Section 1. Reformation and Renaissance: Modern 24. Machiavelli | 25. Reformation and Renaissance | Section 2. Contractarians: 26. Popular Right Vs Divine Right | 27. Jean Bodin | 28. The Theory of Natural Law | 29. English Political Theory of the 16th Centuary | 30. Political Theories of the 17th Centuary | 31. Hobbes | 32. John Locke | 33. Rousseau | Section 3. Individualists: 34. Montesquieu | Section 4. Utilitarians: 35. Utilitarianism | 36. Bentham | 37. John Stuart Mill | 38. Edmund Burke | 39. Herbert Spencer | 40. John Austin | Section 5. The Idealists: 41. Idealist Theory “ Kant and Hegal | 42. Thomas Hill Green | 43. Bernard Bosanquet | Section 6. Socialists: 44. Marxism | 45. Dialectical Materialism and Materialist Interpretation of History | 46. Imperialism and International Communism | 47. Marxian State | 48. Marxian Thought after Marx | 49. Authoriatarianism “ Fascism and Nazism | 50. Communist Isms of the 20th Century | 51. Harold Laski | 52. The New Left | Index. ISBN 8121909341

Pages : 794
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