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  Modernisation of National Security in South Asia

Modernisation Of National Security In South Asia

by H.P. Chattopadhyay & S.K. Sarkar

  Price : Rs 2000.00
  Your Price : Rs 1760.00
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  The book entitled Modernisation of National Security in South Asia is the most comprehensive and informative study about the process of modernization of national security system of South Asian countries. The authors give a detailed account of security issues which have gained momentum in South Asia in the last few decades. Anxiety over the nuclear buildup in the subcontinent has prompted reflection on definitions of security and the objectives of national security policies. The book first examines the broad features of the South Asia region that have a bearing on security and then proceed to examine the traditional and non-traditional dimensions of security. Traditionally, security has been defined in a military sense but all authors are exercised over the fact that the changing global environment, as well as domestic developments, make it imperative that security be linked to people’s livelihood, social stability, good governance and to the better management of the material and environmental resources of the nation.

ISBN - 9788182204218

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