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  Captive Queen,

Captive Queen,

by Weir, Alison

  Price : Rs 399.00
  Your Price : Rs 319.20
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  A top ten bestselling novelist and historian recreates in fiction the most extrordinary and tempestuous marriage in history

It is the year 1152 and a beautiful woman of thirty, attended by only a small armed escort, is riding like the wind southwards through what is now France, leaving behind her crown, her two young daughters and a shattered marriage to Louis of France, who had been more like a monk than a king, and certainly not much of a lover. This woman is Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, and her sole purpose now is to return to her vast duchy and marry the man she loves, Henry Plantagenet, a man destined for greatness as King of England. Theirs is a union founded on lust which will create a great empire stretching from the wilds of Scotland to the Pyrenees. It will also create the devil`s brood of Plantagenets “ including Richard CÅ“ur de Lion and King John “ and the most notoriously vicious marriage in history. The Captive Queen is a novel on the grand scale, an epic subject for Alison Weir. It tells of the making of nations, and of passionate conflicts: between Henry II and Thomas Becket, his closest friend who is murdered in Canterbury Cathedral on his orders; between Eleanor and Henry`s formidable mother Matilda; between father and sons, as Henry`s children take up arms against him; and finally between Henry and Eleanor herself.

ISBN : 9780099534587

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