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  A Study on National Stock Exchange of India

A Study On National Stock Exchange Of India

by B.J. Queensly Jeyanthi

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 523.60
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  A growing economy has an insatiable demand for funds. Financial markets and financial institutions channelise funds. Financial markets and financial institutions channelise funds from savers to investors, thus generating capital, an important factor of production. Financial markets act as a link between investors and the corporate entities and facilitate technological upgradation in the industrial sector by utilizing the funds invested by the public. An active financial market promotes the growth of the primary market by assuring liquidity and continuous marketability. The corporate entities and the government raise resources from the securities market to meet their obligation and make investments. Securities market in India has grown in terms of amount raised from the market, the number of listed stocks, market capitalisation, trading volume and turnover on stock exchanges and other intermediaries. Qualitative parameters such as establishment of nationwide serene based trading system, dematerialization and electronic transfer of securities, rolling settlements, and sophisticated risk management have also been introduced in the stock markets. These quantitative and qualitative parameters have also grown exponentially is NSE. These changes have greatly improved the efficiency, transparency, depth and safety of market. Availability of adequate, up-to-date, correct and critical price sensitive information, such as bonus announcements, mergers, new line of business, political and economic information is very essential for market participants to make wise investment decisions. The efficiency of the market depends upon its ability to disseminate all the information to the investors through the share prices.

ISBN - 9788183872898

Pages : 168
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