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  Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach

Introduction To Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach

by David D. Hanagal

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 550.00
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  Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach expresses our intent to introduce readers to statistics as it is used in practice. Introduction to Applied statistics is concerned with gaining understanding from data; it focuses on problem solving rather than on methods that may be useful in specific settings. A text cannot fully imitate practice, because it must teach specific methods in a logical order and must use data that are not the reader`s own. This book makes non-statisticians, under-graduates, graduates, scientists and researchers understand statistics easily. The proofs of theorem and lemmas are not that necessary at the elementary level but it is necessary to know when, where and why to use these tools instead of proving a theorem or lemma. This book is very brief and compact in size and covers only the most necessary topics useful in day to day life.

Pages : 262
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