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  Wetlands Management In North Bihar

Wetlands Management In North Bihar

by R. B. Mandal

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1200.00
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  Wetlands is a generic terms used to denote shallow, stagnant water bodies which are characteristically swampy, marshy and waterlogged. Wetlands are highly productive areas and at the same time some of the most threatened ecosystems. The present study is on the wetlands of North Bihar in India-a region thoughts which the Himalayan rivers flow sluggishly leaving behind silt and sand enriching the soil. In the process these areas have become habitats to several special of flora and fauna-some rare-which provide livelihoods for the population. They also help in pollution control and in maintaining the ecological balance. Based on field work between 1994 and 1996 the book deals with the management of wetlands in North Bihar in the context of a rapidly growing population and its effect on the environment as also the degradation of the fragile ecosystem.

An extremely useful book which provides a wealth of data and material a wealth for researchers and teachers alike.

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