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  India and China : Comparing the Incomparable

India And China : Comparing The Incomparable

by Vishnu Saraf

  Price : Rs 385.00
  Your Price : Rs 385.00
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  India and China are often described as ˜Asia`s unidentical twins`. They are two unique countries with different histories and contrasting models of development. The usual comparison between these two countries takes into account only a few selected economic parameters and is biased in favour of China. This book aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the Indian and Chinese economies and demystify various myths surrounding them.
There are voluminous reports and books available on each of the topics that are covered in this book, but they are generally restricted to researchers, academicians and scholars. On the other hand, there are thousands of articles comparing India and China, which give a glimpse of the two countries but leave a reader wanting more. India and China: Comparing The Incomparable aims to strike a balance and provide a more complete picture by comparing India and China across a wide range of economic and developmental parameters.
India and China: Comparing the Incomparable analyses the advantages and disadvantages of different models of growth adopted by India and China. The book:
¢ Presents a comprehensive comparison of China and India on a variety of dimensions using the most recent data
¢ Captures the debates around the sustainability of the development models of the two countries
¢ Provides a broad perspective on the ongoing economic reform processes in the two countries
¢ Rectifies the superficial analysis that is often carried out to compare the two economies
¢ Addresses issues of common interest such as, ˜Why are Chinese exports cheap and will they always remain cheap?`, ˜Is the Chinese currency undervalued?`, ˜Can India overtake China?`, etc
¢ Does not involve heavy jargon or complicated modes, which makes it accessible to a large readership.isbn-9780230634497

Pages : 198
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