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  General Relativity and Cosmology

General Relativity And Cosmology

by Srivastava, Sushil Kumar

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  The general theory of relativity and its applications to cosmology requires very deep understanding of mathematics and physics. Keeping this in mind, this self-contained textbook is written which addresses to general relativity and cosmology. In this book, the attempts have been made to explain mathematicians` notions in the language of a physicist.

Primarily intended for the postgraduate students of mathematics and physics, it gives equal importance to mathematical and physical aspects, and thus sharpens understanding of the theory. The text covers many modern concepts and current developments in gravity and cosmology including Brans-Dicke theory, higher-derivative gravity, Kaluza-Klein theory with extension to higher-dimensions. Besides PG students this book would also be useful for research scholars.


 Highlights special features of general relativity and cosmology.

 Discusses structure formation in the universe, inflationary models and dark energy models with special focus on basic concepts.

 Provides problems at the end of each chapter to stimulate thinking.

 Reveals interconnections between required mathematical concepts.

 Explains how to apply mathematical concepts to physical problems.

 Discusses lagrangian formulation of the field theory and action principle as it provides a powerful tool to derive field equations and energy-momentum tensor components.isbn-9788120334373

Pages : 268
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