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  Sacred Groves In India

Sacred Groves In India

by Kailash C. Malhotra Yogesh Gokhale Sudipto Chatterjee Sanjiv Srivastava

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1200.00
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  Col. Illust.59; Figs. & Maps 18; Bibliography. In India, as elsewhere in many parts of the world, a number of communities practise different forms of nature worship. One such significant tradition is that of providing protection to patches of forests dedicated to deities and/or ancestral spirits. These patches of forests are known as sacred groves. The tradition is very ancient and once was widespread in most parts of the world. The estimated number of sacred groves in India in about two lakhs. Groves are rich heritage of India, and play an important role in religious and socio-cultural life of the local people. These ecosystems harbour many threatened, endangered and rare plant and animal species. The book covers various cultural and ecological dimensions of sacred groves in India, and describes recent initiatives undertaken by various stakeholders to strengthen this multifarious institution. isbn-9788173053238

Pages : 170
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