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  Performance of Co-operative Banks

Performance Of Co-Operative Banks

by Dr. G. Vijaya Bharathi & Prof. P. Mohan Reddy

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 572.00
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  After the introduction of single window system in Andhra Pradesh, as intera¬mediaries, the DCCBs playa pivotal role in the disbursement of co-operative credit. They form the connecting link between the State Co-operative Banks (SCBs) and the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACSs). Co-operative banks are considered the king pin of the entire coa¬operative credit system since they have dual responsibility of financing all the coa¬operative activities in the districts and liaison with NABARD. RBI, State Government and Apex Bank ensuring smooth implementation of their policies. The progress of co-operative credit programmes largely depends on the financial strength and viability of these banks. But a good majority of these banks are in financial distress in view of operational inefficiency. Overdues have become the bane of co-operative credit. Still rural masses were not liberating from the clutches of exploitative money lenders. Further, though co-operatives as tools of rural development, they failed to accomplish the objectives for which they were established. Hence, the present study is a modest attempt to evaluate the performance of the District Co-operative Central Banks with particular reference to Cuddapah District in Andhra Pradesh.ISBN 9788183873918

Pages : 201
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