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  Lost Notebook and Other Unpublished Papers, The: Mathematical Works of Srinivasa Ramanujan Author(s): S. Ramanujan

Lost Notebook And Other Unpublished Papers, The: Mathematical Works Of Srinivasa Ramanujan Author(S): S. Ramanujan

by S. Ramanujan

  Price : Rs 1800.00
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  The Lost Notebook, with an introduction by George E. Andrews and a short biography by S. Raghavan, consists of 90 unpaginated sheets representing Ramanujan`s work on q-series and other topics followed by letters written by Rama¬a¬anujan to G.H. Hardy on many mathematical topics including coefficients in the 1 / g3 and 1g2 problems as well as the only available remnant of his famous letter dated 12th January 1920 on mock theta functions. The nearly 650 formulas in The Lost Notebook cover approximately: ¢ q-series and related topics including mock ?-functions “ 60% ¢ Modular equations and relations, singular moduli “ 30% ¢ Integrals, Dirichlet series, congruences, asymptotics, miscellaneous “ 10% The Lost Notebook includes a hitherto unpublished manuscript of Ramanujan`s on Properties of p(n) and t(n) ¦ dealing with congruence relation satisfied by these arithmetical functions, 28 sheets copied from the Loose Papers of Ramanujan held in the Trinity College Library which include notes on Reciprocal functions, Approximate summation of series involving prime numbers, Ramanujan`s discoveries on Euler products for Dirichlet series associated to modular forms and Ramanujan`s forty identities, with relevant sheets in Ramanujan`s handwriting. The subsequent 117 pages include Ramanujan`s unpublished work related to Highly composite numbers and On certain trignometrical sums¦ with Hardy`s notings thereon as also class invariants listed by Ramanujan with a host of interesting identities of an arithmetic nature. The Lost Notebook also carries letters between J.E. Littlewood, G.H. Hardy, Ramanujan and G.N. Watson, etc. with a bearing on Ramanujan`s work and various other letters of some significance including E.H. Neville`s letter on Ramanujan extracted from Nature of 20th January 1921.
ISBN 9788173199479

Pages : 476
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