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  Insights Into Existence - Essays On The Upanisads

Insights Into Existence - Essays On The Upanisads

by Raghunandan

  Price : Rs 320.00
  Your Price : Rs 320.00
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  It is generally opined-though erroneously, that the Vedanta or Upanisads are beyond the reach of common lot of people, and are meant for only the recluses dedicated to the spiritual quest. Actually, as our ancestors were children of nature, their quest and the resultant dialogues are as simple as they are relevant, to our day-to-day life.

Swami Vivekananda not only introduced them to the general public, but also tried to convince them that the Upanisads have solutions to our common problems. He went to the extent of saying that the Vedanta is the future religion of the world. The essays presented in this book attempt to give a glimpse into the Upanisadic methodology or Vicara as it is called, which makes use of doubt and inquiry.isbn-9788189973537

Pages : 281
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