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  Surgical Techniques in ophthalmology oculoplasty and reconstructive surgery

Surgical Techniques In Ophthalmology Oculoplasty And Reconstructive Surgery

by Garg,Alio

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  Covers all types of surgical techniques available in respective sub-speciality at international level. Quick look reference book for ophthalmologists to sharpen their surgical skills. Vast collection of surgical techniques of basic as well as advanced procedures. Surgical techniques include step-by-step details in a easy-to-read format. Serve as ready reference of excellent ophthalmic surgeries shown by international masters. Includes comprehensive tips on the efficient use of various surgical techniques. Provides clinical overviews of the state-of-the-art ophthalmic surgeries with strong practical orientation. An indispensable surgical techniques series for day-to-day clinical practice. SECTION I: EXTERNAL EYE DISEASES (EYELIDS, LACRIMAL SYSTEM AND OCULAR SURFACE DISORDERS), 1. Congenital Eyelid Abnormalities and their Surgical Managements, 2. Surgical Management of Eyelid Disorders, 3. Management of Eyelid Injuries, 4. Eyelid Retraction, 5. Congenital Ptosis: EvaluatIon and Management, 6. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty, 7. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: Skin Approach, 8. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: Transconjunctival Approach with Pedicled Fat Pad Transposition, 9. Levator Muscle Resection: Anterior Approach, 10. Levator Aponeurosis Reinsertion: Anterior Approach, 11. Levator Aponeurosis Reinsertion: Posterior Approach, 12. Frontalis Muscle Suspension with Silicone Rod for Ptosis, 13. Frontalis Muscle Flap Advancement for Correction of Blepharoptosis with Poor Levator Function, 14. Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction and Its Management, 15. Surgical Management of Acquired Lacrimal System Disorders, 16. Lacrimal Surgery, 17. Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy, 18. Laser Assisted (Ho: YAG) Lacrimal Bypass Surgery, 19. Pterygium Surgery: Bare Sclera, Simple Closure, Rotational Flap and Conjunctival Graft, 20. Management of Recurrent Pterygia, 21. Pterygium: Evolution of Medical and Surgical Treatment, 22. Free Conjunctival Autograft for Primary and Recurrent Pterygia, 23. Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK) in Recurrent Pterygium and Complications of Pterygium Surgery, SECTION II: ORBITAL DISEASES, 24. Imaging of the Orbit, 25. Orbital Disorders: Vascular Abnormalities, 26. Management of Orbital Trauma and Fractures, 27. Orbital Surgery, 28. Orbital Osteoma, 29. Pediatric Orbital Vascular Tumors: Hemangiomas/Lymphangiomas/AV Malformations, 30. Exenteration and Implants in Mucormycosis, 31. Orbital Schwannoma, 32. Double Elevator Palsy (Monocular Elevation Deficit), 33. Cataract in Sarcoidosis, 34. Orbital Implants, SECTION III: RECENT ADVANCES IN OCULOPLASTY, 35. Surgical Management of Surfocular Dryness, 36. Pterygium and Pinguecula Surgery: Next Day Cosmetic Outcomes (The Future of Ocular Surface Surgery), 37. Eyelid Injuries and Reconstruction, 38. Upper lid Blepharoplasty, 39. Fornix Reconstruction, 40. Guided Sling Surgery: Jacob-Agarwal Technique of Frontalis Suspension with Single Stab Incision, 41. Aesthetic Ophthalmoplastic with CO2 Laser, 42. Modified Corrugated Intracystic Implant for Chronic Dacryocystitis: A Journey to Innovation, 43. Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy: Recent Advances, 44. Special Oculoplasty Surgical Procedures, 45. Management of Anophthalmic Socket, 46. Periocular Botulinum Toxin Applications, 47. Symblepharon and Its Management, 48. Stem Cell Surgery in Ophthalmology, 49. Stem Cell Transplantation, 50. Lid Melanomas, 51. Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma and Muir-Torre Syndrome. ISBN 9788184488173

Pages : 372
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