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  Pressure Vessels and Piping: Volume III: Manufacturing and Performance

Pressure Vessels And Piping: Volume Iii: Manufacturing And Performance

by Baldev Raj, B. K. Choudhary, Shaju K. Albert

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2500.00
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  The sound manufacturing and fabrication practices along with advanced performance evaluation methods are integral parts of healthy pressure vessel and piping industry. There is a strong incentive to adopt advanced manufacturing and fabrication technologies that not only reduce the cost and environmental damage, but also improve safety and reliable operation. This volume of Pressure Vessels and Piping: Manufacturing and Performance covers present status and current trends in manufacturing and fabrication such as metal forming, welding and allied processes, testing and performance evaluation of material and components, development of welding consumables for advanced materials, failure analysis of pressure vessel components, repair and refurbishment. The book also includes field experiences, through several original contributions, from the authors belonging to different sectors like thermal and nuclear power plants, petroleum and chemical processing plants, and fabrication industries. This book will be a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration to students, researchers, scientists, engineers, manufacturing and plant personnel, and technology managers.

Pages : 494
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