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  Business Environment

Business Environment

by A.C. Fernando

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 491.18
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  The global economic meltdown of 2008 made it clear that in the current era of globalization, organizations need to keep abreast of the latest economic developments in countries around the world. Managers need to use this information to analyse and correlate with the economic environment in which businesses function to be able to make informed decisions that will enable the organization to progress despite obstacles. This ability to make informed decisions against the backdrop of the latest economic developments is critical for managers. A course in business environment fosters this ability and provides an excellent grounding to prospective managers and entrepreneurs to take sensible business decisions.

Professor A. C. Fernando integrates concepts with real-world situations and the most recent data to help students grasp complex economic concepts, a clear understanding of which is required to comprehend the various facets of business environment. He adopts a jargon-free style and presents the subject matter logically, from elementary to complex concepts to engage the student completely.

Divided into eight parts comprising fifty chapters, the book has been designed to be of particular use to students who are not familiar with the concepts of economics. isbn-9788131731581

Pages : 688
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