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  Developmental State and the Dalit Question in Madhya Pradesh:  Congress Response

Developmental State And The Dalit Question In Madhya Pradesh: Congress Response

by Sudha Pai

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 845.75
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  Dalit assertion has been a dominant feature of the states in the Hindi heartland since the mid-1980s, leading to the rise of political consciousness and identity-based lower caste parties.This book focuses on the different political response of the Congress party to identity assertion in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Unlike in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar where, in response to the strong wave of dalit assertion, political parties employed strategies of political mobilization to consolidate dalit/backward votes and capture state power, in Madhya Pradesh, the Congress party attempted to mobilize dalits and tribals by providing them economic empowerment, using state power to improve their socio-economic conditions and provide equality of opportunity. Empirical data from extensive fieldwork based on a re-distributive paradigm is analyzed, which brings to the fore both the potentials and the limitations of the model of `development from above` in a democracy. It suggests that the absence of an upsurge from below limits the ability of enlightened political elites manning the developmental state to introduce social change and help the weaker sections of society.

ISBN - 9780415563130

Pages : 556
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