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  I Believe - A Philosophy for the Global Society

I Believe - A Philosophy For The Global Society

by Karan Singh

  Price : Rs 125.00
  Your Price : Rs 125.00
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  As I travel around the world I am often asked “What is your philosophy?” While I speak extensively on the philosophy of Vedanta, of the Upanishads, of Sri Aurobindo and so on, but that does not answer the question. So I thought I would try and spell out what precisely I believe in. Our beliefs flow from the totality of experiences to which we have been exposed. In many ways my exposure has been more varied and intense than falls to the lot of most people. There are four main sets of factors that have moulded my thinking- books, music, travel and people. In all four I have had the good fortune of an extremely wide and stimulating contact. In any case, I have tried briefly to identify the major beliefs I have come to hold, even though acutely aware of the difficulty in expressing complex ideas in simple words.

ISBN - 9788170287476

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