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  Golden Gate Reader 4

Golden Gate Reader 4

by M L Tickoo, R Amritavalli

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 165.75
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  The Golden Gate Readers offer a learning opportunity to engage with English. The essence of the Readers is a series of reasonable challenges put together for a diverse group of learners of mixed ability. The books adjust themselves to suit the learner, with an emphasis on learning. The Readers include a variety of language samples that are understandable and memorable, without leaving out their full richness. This is achieved by sensitive and careful selection of both the sentence and text lengths, and the texts are compelling enough for the learner to want to re-read them. As we know, learning results from attempting something and achieving it with an effort. The rediscovered teacher-practices of reciting, translating and memorising help keep the comfort level of the teacher high and arrive at the simple methods that work in the classroom.

Pages : 148
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