Ideal for creative writers, media students and professionally/novice writers. How often have you thought ˜I should write this down in a book`, when the thing you are referring to is specialist knowledge you possess. Just think for a moment, we all DO possess specialist knowledge and it could perhaps make a great book. Just think of the number of gardening books, the number of cookbooks and the number of travel books that are published. You many not be aware that this is only the tip of the iceberg and that there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who would love to be able to do what you take for granted. Maybe you have a fantastic system for making furniture or a super way of saving money or you are really good at a hobby.
Whatever it is, if it interests you then you can be sure that there will be a lot of people who are similarly interests and these are the people who will happily buy your book, but how do you start to write it? That is where this book can help. Written by a sympathetic, helpful and very knowledgeable writer, this book can guide you through the stages needed to develop your book. ISBN-9788130913100
Pages : 240